The Story of How a Little Boy Went Bananas For Bananas!

By Hoff Wolf

Chapter 1

One day a little boy named Johnny was eating ice cream. But he suddenly realised that ice cream wasn't really yummy anymore as he had eaten so much. And so Johnny stopped eating ice cream.

Chapter 2

But then Johnny had a problem. He was hungry but he didn't want to eat ice cream anymore. So what could he do? And so, he thought for ages and ages. But finally he came up with a very simple solution; he could eat bananas instead!

Chapter 3

And so, Johnny went off in a search for bananas. But he had problem. He couldn't find any bananas! And because Johnny had thought so hard to come up with the idea of eating bananas, he couldn't come up wih any new ideas! Therefore, all Johnny could do was continue his never-ending search for bananas. And that is how a Little Boy went Bananas for Bananas!

The End

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